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Experience 50 Podcast Now on Alexa

Spread the word about Experience 50!

When it comes to audio, I am all things Amazon.

AND now I can listen to all my favorite podcasts too! I’ve also made sure that you can listen to The Experience 50 Podcast the same way I do!

If you need any extra help… here is the official Apple Podcast instructions for Alexa.

For assistance with integrating many podcast and music streaming services/players, check this out: https://theassistant.io/guide/the-podcast-listeners-guide-to-alexa/

One of my favorite purchases in 2019 is the Alexa/Echo smart speaker and I also purchased an Echo Dot so that I could have one speaker in the kitchen and another in my bathroom. Yes, I listen to podcasts while I get myself together in the morning.

I have my Alexa News Flash set up with the news I want to hear (NPR), a weather report, a Word of the Day, and I can even play a round of Jeopardy with Alex Trebeck if I have time.

I also subscribe to Amazon Music Unlimited. If you are a Spotify or Pandora subscriber, that’s cool because Alexa can stream those as well.

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