E152 Midlife Pivot: An Author is Born with Maureen Joyce Connolly

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A Pharmaceutical Consultant turns Novelist

Experience 50 podcast 151Maureen Joyce Connolly is drawn to both science and language arts, she always has been. After getting her degree in physiology, she began her career with the pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer. Meanwhile, she was writing poetry and earning her Master’s Degree in liberal studies.

As far back as high school, she felt that she needed to make a choice between her loves as she chartered her education and career.

Now 59, Maureen no longer works in the pharmaceutical business. She is thriving in the frenzy of her book launch. When we spoke, she was juggling interviews, details of her book tour, and calls to her publicist and agent. This is a big pivot!

Lovely Little Things Maureen Joyce Connolly

I think that for many midlifers, a pivot is seen as a correction, that we were not doing what we were actually meant to do. That is NOT always the case. I believe that Maureen embodies the idea of seeing your life as a series of seasons or (no pun intended) chapters. Our priorities shift, our excitement and interests change. Each and every event is perfect for just the right time in our lives.

Her novel, Lovely Little Things released on April 2, 2019. Yay Maureen!

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