E004: Suddenly Everything Changes

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Episode 004: Suddenly Everything Changes with Liz- Death of a Spouse in Midlife

Liz and Jeff were happily married, in their mid-50s, enjoying the beginning of their emptySuddenly Everything Changes, Experience 50 Podcast nest chapter. Solid careers, excellent health and many plans made for happy days in their beautiful Scottsdale home.

In this episode, Liz shares the heartbreaking story of losing her husband Jeff in a cycling accident. Liz wanted to share her experience with Mary and the listeners of Experience 50 because there is much to learn from her story.

After your 50th birthday, it seems that helping friends through the loss of a loved one, to health issues or accidents, becomes unfortunately, a more common experience. Liz shares how friends can be the greatest help and how she is facing each day as a widow in her 50s.

There is also great advice for all of us to be prepared, just in case we find ourselves grieving the loss of our spouse.

This episode provides many useful pieces of advice:

  • Be certain that you have told your loved ones just how much you love them
  • Connect with your spouse each morning before you go your separate ways
  • Share your passwords
  • Both spouses should be aware of household finances
  • If either spouse owns a business, an attorney should assist the owner with final instructions.
  • Have a will!
  • Discuss final resting place and funeral preferences with next of kin or executor of your estate
  • Discuss organ donation with next of kin or register in advance
  • Much more

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