E003 The Big Storm with Carol Vernam

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E003 The Big Storm with Carol Vernam

Carol Vernams CarOn August 2nd, a freak thunderstorm hit the northwest corner of lower Michigan bringing torrential rain, 4.5 inch hail and straight line winds up to 100 mph and green skies.  Incredibly, no lives were lost in the storm that left communities without power and small towns completely cut off by fallen and uprooted trees in the roadways.

Our guest today on Experience 50, Carol Vernam, 57, found herself trapped in her car under the weight of a huge tree, alone with her thoughts. In that moment, she didn’t know if a tornado was coming, would anybody find her under the massive tree, or if was Storm Sky Experience 50she going to survive this storm. Mary sat down with Carol, two days after the storm, in the studio to talk about how that moment impacted her, knowing how very nearly she had died.
Ask yourself, if you had only a few moments before you might very well die, what would you be thinking?

Thank you Dave McClary and Len Mayhew for audio in this episode.

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