239 Pissed-Off Yogi, Dr. Katy Jane | A Midlife Divorce Story

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Dr. Katy Jane Experience 50

Love and money, Never a good combination. My guest on the podcast lost both when she divorced her business partner/husband, finding out that he had left her with only $500 after destroying her online business which he managed.

Like too many women, she had relegated all financial and business matters to her husband – in this case, a secretive opiate addict. Once she “woke up”, she was more than pissed-off.

Hear her story and PLEASE learn a few lessons.

Beyond her cautionary tale, you will hear our conversation on the westernized version of yoga and meditation, her belief that she misused meditation, and her spiritual practice. We then take deep dives into what triggers anger, why we attract inappropriate partners, the divine feminine, Hindu goddess Kali, and if you can be just too chill.

About Dr. Katy Jane

Named “One of 75 Yogis Who are Shifting the Planet” by Origin Magazine, Dr. Katy Jane is a counseling Vedic astrologer, Sanskrit & world religions scholar, and teacher of yoga teachers. Dr. Katy received her doctorate in Religious Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2001, taught at the University of Colorado and Naropa University in Boulder, CO and created Sanskrit for Yogis, an innovative and traditional method for learning the sacred language of yoga. She’s the author of Awakening with Sanskrit and teaches immersions in Vedic astrology online. After 30 years of traveling and studying yoga & Sanskrit throughout India, Dr. Katy now lives at Dunagiri Retreat (in India’s northeastern Himalayan foothills) which she shares with her husband, five Tibetan mastiffs, and frequent groups of yoga retreatants and spiritual seekers.

Find more of Katy



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