E075 Career Reinvention with Harry Prichett

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Harry PrichettSo, what do you want to be when you grow up? Do you feel like a prisoner at work? Is your job sucking the life right out of you? Maybe you’ve been downsized out or your profession has been automated.

Too many midlifers think they just need to suffer through another 20 years or so. Ugh! Instead, let’s find your dream job.

Harry Prichett loved doing comedy improv and voice work. You’ve probably heard him in commercials or as the “voice of The History Channel”. But the work went away and Harry found himself having to completely reinvent himself. Lucky for us, he found his calling in helping other midlifers who find themselves in a similar position. Harry Prichett is now a certified career reinvention coach, working with successful midlife professionals in search of fulfilling work.

In this episode, Harry and Mary talk about facing the career wall and his 4 Stage Process for busting through that wall. Not a job seeking coach, Harry guides his clients to identify the type of work that fits their personal and professional goals.

At our age, our identities are in flux and we can decide who we want to be.

From HarryPrichett.com:

In their 40’s, 50’s or 60’s, many people hit a wall in their career. There’s the “I’ve been let go after 25 years—now what?” wall. There’s the “I need to start doing something more meaningful with my life” wall. And there’s the “I’ve been in the same career for 30 years and if I keep doing this I’m going to lose my mind” wall. What does your wall look like? Based on extensive research, my training as a professional coach, and my own experience with reinvention, I’ve identified four stages of career reinvention. Although people’s paths through each of these stages may vary, I firmly believe that thoroughly engaging in each is essential.

Letting Go: After you experience The Change, whether it’s losing a long-time job or reaching a point where you can’t go on doing what you’ve been doing, there is a period of loss, not unlike the stages of grief. In his book Transitions ,William Bridges writes, “To become something else, you have to stop being what you are now; to start doing things a new way, you have to end the way you are doing them now; and to develop a new attitude or outlook, you have to let go of the old one you have now.” Only when you’ve reached the last stage of grief, acceptance, will you be able to move forward to the next stage.

Self-Assessment: You can’t move forward if you don’t know who you are at this moment. What are your values at this time in your life? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What skills do you have? What labels have you been given by people, and in turn by yourself? What roles have you played? Who have you become in relationship to your work?

A Fresh Vision: It’s time to set the obstacles aside and ask yourself the question, “What Do I Want To Do?” If you could do anything you wanted, what would that look like? What would a perfect day be like? What kind of people would you like to work with? What brings you joy? What are your passions? How do you want to spend your time? Can you actually make some money doing something you love to do? This is the time for exploration. In the words of Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

A New Beginning: So you’ve figure out what you want to do. Now what? You have to go out and get it. Career Reinvention is not for the faint of heart. Reinvention takes a willingness to go inward; it takes time, commitment, risk, money, creativity, drive, and perseverance. If you’re spending your days parked in an EZ Boy Lounger, perhaps career reinvention is not for you. But if you’re wondering when the rest of your life is going to begin, the best time to start is now.


Harry Prichett Bio:

For twenty-five years, Harry Prichett has made his living as a communicator. He was a member of Chicago City Limits, one of NY’s premier comedy improv groups. His one-man show, “Work=Pain=Success,” has been performed in NYC, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. The New York Post called it “one of the funniest and most insightful solo vehicles mounted this year.” He’s written and performed comedy for NPR’s “All Things Considered” and co-authored the New York Times bestselling humor books, Bad Cat, Bad Dog and Bad President. As a voice actor, he has been heard on countless national radio and TV commercials, including the voice of Dunkin Donuts, DirecTV and The History Channel. In the corporate world he has written, produced, directed, and appeared in industrial videos and live presentations for companies such as IBM, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Coldwell Banker. He’s brought his broad experience and sense of humor to a new stage in his work as a certified, professional coach working with successful, midlife professionals who are in career transition and are open to reinvention.

Contact Harry: hp@harryprichett.com

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