E110 Enjoy Living Abroad with Karen McCann

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living abroad

Living Abroad: An American in Seville

World traveler, blogger and author Karen McCann is back with her insights as an American expat living in Seville, Spain and loving it!

While living in Ohio, she and her husband Rich visited Seville and after many return trips, they now live there the majority of the year. She regularly returns to the U.S. to keep her American groove on and shares with you some of the funny cultural shifts that occur.

I love her approach to life and hope that at 65 I will have had even half of her adventures.

To make friends with other expats, she recommends checking out Internations  and EatWith.com.

Her memiors Dancing in the Fountain and Adventures of a Railway Nomad are terrific reads!

You can also sign up to receive her blog posts.

ATS Karen Mccann

BONUS: After The Show

If you want to learn more about Karen, Experience 50 patrons can listen to a bonus episode of our “off-air” conversation on my Patreon page. This is how you can show your support of Experience 50 with an automatic scheduled monthly donation of as little as $2, or $5 or more!

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