E071 The Feisty Side of Fifty’s Eileen Williams

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FeistyatfiftyEileen Williams, of Feisty Side of Fifty, joins Mary to discuss the surprises of life in menopause. Men and women will enjoy hearing about the Upside. 

Eileen shares the Five Happy Surprises of  Menopause and The Three Keys to Making The Most Of The CHANGE.

Eileen Williams is an author, blogger, speaker and podcast host. As a Nationally Board Certified Counselor, she has over twenty years’ experience working with clients in transition helping them to rediscover their passions in midlife and beyond. Eileen is an active contributor to the Huffington Post and also makes frequent appearances on both radio and TV. She has been interviewed for Market Watch, Money Magazine, Kiplinger and several other national and international publications.


Eileen is the host/founder of the popular boomer blog and radio show called Feisty Side of Fifty.

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